Mercedes Benz 300 SEL 6.8

Mercedes Benz 300 SEL 6.8

This is nothing more than the beauty of the beast, or at least what I wanted to capture by painting the majestic 1968 Mercedes 300 SEL 6.8 in a painting. Focusing on a front view was enough.

This detail painted on black paper, with its optical and chrome groups and the peculiar color of the bodywork, allows us to appreciate the imposing and unmistakable presence of this iconic model that in 1968 was the fastest four-door car in the world thanks to its V8 engine.

Mercedes 300 SEL (W108) (1968)
Dimensions: 100 x 75 cm
Pastel drawing on Mi-Teintes black paper

Proceso de realización del cuadro de un Mercedes 300 SEL 6.8