Who I Am
My name is David Valls, I was born in Barcelona and a few years ago I left the asphalt to enjoy the roads -the silence and tranquility- of the Alt Empordà.
After many years immersed in the world of motoring information in press, radio and television, I moved to the field of decorative graphic creativity and the creation of artistic work.

I think that my passion for cars came to me before I was able to reason.
My dream was to observe them, drive them, test them, analyze them, photograph them and draw them.
And I have been lucky enough to be able to do it all.
As a child, I looked at and assimilated every detail of absolutely every car that was put in front of me… something not too complicated because in the Barcelona of my childhood everything you could see went from the 600 and the 2CV to the Seat 1500 and the Dodge Dart, which was the best thing ever!
This is how it all began

My first drawing of a car
As far as I know, this is the first car I ever drew.
I was five years old and I really wanted to draw my mother’s Citroën 2 CV, but for me it was very difficult to represent that shape…
Until I saw a protractor running around the house and found the solution.
I don’t know how long it took, but for me, that Dos Caballos was identical to the real one… And I decided that I would continue drawing cars.
Ah! I don’t use the protractor these days.
This is how it continued

Motor Journalism
When I was 18, I was already in charge of the motor section of the Dicen newspaper, where I published car tests and advice to users. My first test was the Alpine A110 and the most “rare”, the Ligier GS 6 GL. I also covered the F1, Endurance, Rally and Motorcycle World Championships, activities that I continued in my motoring program in Catalunya Ràdio and, later, following the Motorcycle World Championship in TV3.
And so it is now

Decoration with images and original paintings
In the 90’s, I moved to another side of communication, that of design and advertising, in Guion Comunicación Global, to end up later in the world of decoration through images in Wit Lab, making large format photos of buildings, cities, nature and, of course, also cars, to apply to the walls of offices, businesses, stores and homes … And garages!
I combine this activity with the realization of all the original artwork that you can see in the gallery of this website.